I am 100% in protest of Police Brutality. I am 100% in protest of Black males hurting other Black males, (aka Black on Black crime). But I'm also 100% in protest of shooting Police.
...while some may suggest, and I heard it this morning on the news, that with these kinds of shooting "the police, may now, understand the kind of fear and threat black and brown men face daily..." I believe is the wrong perspective and quite honestly b.s.
When police are targeted and shot at, this will not ensure in no way shape or form, that a white officer will be any more empathetic to the plight of the black or brown male. It will not ensure that a white officer will think twice (or harder) before pulling the trigger, the next time he confronts a black/brown male. It will not ensure that a white officer will walk away from being shot at, and say to him or herself "WOW, now I know how they feel! I will do something different." In fact this form of violence, only proves to create the opposite and contrary emotion(s); that leads to greater tension between the two groups of people.
Hurting the other does not give the one doing the hurting any special influence, whereby, you are able to make someone feel your pain or understand your plight. That notion is only found in someone who has a God complex, and thinks they can "make" someone understand (or see their point of view).
Achieving a place of mutual empathy is not created thru violence, but rather is developed out of relationship, communication, non-violence and love for humanity. Violence may lead to a different situational strategy, tactic or approach, but not to lasting change.
Every major movement that lead to change for the improvement of society, was a result of people who kept up non-violent protest, who were persistent in their cause, pushed the conversation forward and refused to let their voices be silenced, and organized to challenge unjust policy until it changed.
those who shot at the police in Ferguson, don't want change. they want violence. they want to hurt. they want to create more chaos and pain. they do not have the interest of black males. these acts create a diversion and distraction from real dialogue and action. and their actions do not bring honor to Mike Brown nor his family.
someone knows who did the shooting; and we can only hope they will turn in the shooter. we are calling you out!