Monday, November 17, 2014

Booty Breaking News #breaktheinternet

Booty Breaking News

Last week as social media buzzed on K.K.'s booty as relevant “Breaking News”, was simply amusing. I couldn’t even concentrate on some honest internet surfing because every time I clicked one thing or another…I saw references of K.K.’s tail. So I broke down and finally took a look at the picture. And there she was, Tits, Tail and her Tootsie roll (lol).

BUT, what was even more amusing was the hastag #breaktheinternet??? Really, that’s our global goal…to break the internet, behind K.K.’s behind? (pun intended).  Not the 43 students missing in Mexico? Or the 200 plus girls still missing in Nigeria. Or the number of URGENT matters in this world that deserve the attention, that SHOULD #breaktheinternet.

It is sad…that major breaking news, is not more than the tail of a young lady who clearly doesn’t even know when she is being exploited for the capital gain of others and more twitter followers.

I don't get all the HYPE. This booty thang isn’t anything new. See my My Facebook post – 11/13/2014
I don't know why they thought K.K.'s rear-end would #‎breaktheinternet...or that JLo, Lil Iggy, Ms Minaj and that sad attempt by the youngster...what her name? Miley are doing anything NEW. WHAT???? Please...

Com'on ya'll remember 2Live Crew, Uncle Luke and Sir Mix A Lot, they brought us dat BOOTY Booty waaaaay back in the 80's. Don't fall for the HYPE...its all sooo, like a really Bad Remix!

I guess the difference is now, they call it ART? LOL LOL haaa haaa ROFL. (just needed to get that off my chest)

a hip-hop head from back in the day!

Yes over 30 years ago…booty was splashed all over the media and being talked about by news reporters and radio jocks, while young folk popped that ‘thang’ at house parties and back yard bar-b-ques all across America. The Dirty south and others put that Booty in our faces, raw and unedited. Some loved it and others, more conservative hated it and thought we were all going to hell in a hand-basket. BUTT, It wasn’t called ART then.

In fact, all we are really seeing with the flood of Booty pictures and Booty music videos, of some of our present entertainers is a bad remix of an old Past-time (Ah Look at dat Booty Booty!). I’ll give the youngsters a pass, because they were just babies back then…but JLo, girl you know better!  As a matter of fact, someone ought to send Uncle Luke and ‘em a thank you note, for opening the door to make “the booty” an acceptable & news worthy piece for discussion.

So WHY is K.K.’s booty, BREAKING NEWS? And why did they actually suggest that her butt would #breaktheinternet? What’s the message? What have we really learned? That K.K., has a 'big ole butt!' Ah Yeah!

The subtle messaging of #breaktheinternet with your booty is disturbing. What are really telling people? If you want to be front cover magazine worthy and able to #breaktheinternet, than this is the way to do it, this is what it takes: Shave/wax all your groin hair. Enlarge Your breast. Have someone adjust your butt so it pops off the page…and one can #breaktheinternet. Toss out education. Disregard common sense. Never-mind fighting for justice. You don’t have to have any moral compass. You don’t need to stand for anything, just stand naked in front of a camera with a lot of shine juice on your surgically altered figure…and this is the way to#breaktheinternet! Don’t waste your time paying attention to the REAL issues of the WORLD; focus your time and energy on perfecting your Booty, because that is what will #breakstheinternet. Oh, and by the way, Mother’s…don’t teach your girls to READ, or study S.T.E.M. because that will not get them a Front Cover spread and certainly won't #Breaktheinternet….because your daughters real success is in her Booty. Fathers don’t waste your time teaching your sons to find a wife that has some sense…because she is less likely to be magazine front cover worthy…and Gosh, let’s be honest, when was the last time an intelligent woman was able to #breaktheinternet?!  And LADIES, the heck with DIGNITY, don’t preserve anything. BARE ALL to the world, because somehow zillions of people, you DON’T know, have earned the right to see your tits, tail and tootsie role … Women, this is your real life achievement, #breaktheinterent with your booty! Women, this is your real power. This is your real influence in the world. If you want to be someone who can #breaktheinternet? ‘pop that booty booty’…because Your real Voice is, Your booty Talk! Your booty is all that you have going for you, that can actually #breaktheinternet.

We are in a dangerous space if our great aspiration to #Breaktheinternet, is based on our butts. PLEASE Don’t fall for the okie doke or the Booty Politrics…you’re more than the butt you’re sitting on!

p.s. did you hear, solange just broke the internet too with her wedding pictures! LOL hilarious.

Friday, May 30, 2014

The reason Why I Sing!

Im a Preacher, Writer, Speaker...Bold, Courageous and Fierce...because of women like Dr. Maya Angelou, who inspired the Lioness in me to Roar! Legacy is left by those who dare to BE ALL THAT GOD HAS CREATED IN THEM, PHENOMENALLY!

dr. juju

Monday, March 24, 2014

Open The Sky! My Weekend @ Dancer In Me 2014!

'God We Are Ready
We Need a Blessing Crack the Sky'

These are the opening lyrics to Lamar Campbell's new title track "Open the Sky", which by the way was the theme of the 4th Annual Dancer In Me conference! I'm tickled pink proud of my friend and sister-in-ministry Rev. Stephanie Butler Adams, for executing the Vision God has given her for this kind of conference, PAR EXCELLENCE!

Over 300 Men, Women and Children registered and attended this Life Changing event! For three days we focused on preparing our Hearts, Minds, Bodies, the Dance, the Music and the Worship for the kind of Encounter with God, that moves the Heaven's to OPEN UP!

And because we sought HIS Face, God Showed us his Glory...from Thursday night's opening liturgical Dance presentations and powerful preaching, thru the 90 classes available for the Musician, Worship Leader, Liturgical Dancer, Flag & Banner Pageantry and Prayer Warriors, to the phenomenal closing worship and class demonstrations on Saturday.

As we had hoped, but could not have planned...there were those EXTREMELY Glorious moments that will forever remain historical in the hearts of those who were in the room:

First, Friday night's Book Reading and Signing! After several years of work, Rev Stephanie Butler-Adams introduced to the word her latest work "The Dancer in Me!" A story about a little girl named Nell who is a bright, spunky little girl. She has big dreams of being a star performer, but awkwardness and fear keep her secret love of dance locked safely inside of her very vivid imagination. One night, with the help of some creative angels and a little encouragement from above, Nell discovers her true potential and purpose through an unexpected gift! THE DANCER IN ME is a fun read with unpredictable vocabulary that invites every reader to discover the wonder of their worth.Colorfully unique illustrations draw the reader in, and bring Nell's story to life! (Shout-Out to Kitamu, the Illustrator) ORDER on Amazon today!

The second, Extremely Glorious moment, followed the liturgical presentation by Victory Praise Dancers. These young ladies, tore us up, I'm getting chills just recapping a result of their Openness to GOD, the LORD OPENED Heaven and POURED on us his Shekinah Glory. The alter was full of Children, weeping before God. But that's not all, grown Men and Women...were also at their seats or standing and weeping. We will never be the same again, nor be able to recapture that moment was a DIVINE Visitation.

The third, Extremely Glorious moment, were the history makers in the room..Ife and Genesis, the first ever (in the history of the Dancer In Me conference) Youth teachers. Ife, 8 and Genesis, 12 taught their class with Confidence, Clarity and Holy Ghost Conviction. In the words of Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant, who was also present, "The Gospel is Safe, in the hands of these children." We often worry about our future...but if these two young ladies are any indication (and they are) of what God has for this upcoming Generation...then "the Gospel is safe!".

Another final HIGHLIGHT that I can't get away from, were the SKY KIDS! Yes, kids who had spent three months rehearsing with Rev. Stephanie and her team. I don't know the exact count, but I would guesstimate there were over 150 kids who were part of the conference! YES over 150!!!! Rev. Stephanie heard the Lord say 'Pour Into the Children' and she did, and GOD POURED OUT FROM HEAVEN...Blessings we had not room to receive!

Lamar Campbell, along with Minister Donald Taylor and One Voice choir...took the singing to another level...and when he closed the night with his song, OPEN THE SKY, the saints were ready! We were all Ready for Open Skies! This too you can purchase on Amazon today!

I can't tell it all in this short blog...but here is what I can say... In 2015 you don't want to miss this Conference. Its not just for Dancers...but anyone with a heart for God! 2015 will be the 5th Annual Dancer In Me Conference, and I'm claiming 500 registrants in year 5, 2015!

Check out my girl at for more details and info for next year!! 

Here is a lil fun clip of what you missed! (Adrian Dunn w/ SkyKids Choir)
Singing "Hallelujah, OOh, Oooh, Ooh!" ...sorry for the sideways view

Your Girl,
Rev. Dr. Juju