Thursday, November 7, 2013

Book Review - The President's Devotional, By Joshua Dubois

Yesterday, we had the privilege of hosting an intimate book signing with Joshua Dubois on The President's Devotional, at the Cecil Murray Center for Community Engagement.

Joshua took time to share with us some insights on his time serving with the POTUS. His ability to draw the listener in, really made us all feel like we were transported to the White House and able to feel the moment as if we were there.

Someone asked me, "is this just another devotional?" I emphatically responded, "NO, this is NOT, just another devotional!" While there are some familiar components, like the 365 days breakdown, scripture, reflection and prayer...the UNIQUE aspect is its ability to bring to light a very human & heart-felt view of the White House.

The President's Devotional is also filled with awesome quotes and excerpts from other notable persons. Quotes I do plan to use in future Sermons and Bible Study!!! We also found out that Joshua is not just the Faith-Based guy and Author but he is also quite the Preacher, and it comes across so eloquently in his written words but also when he shares his stories! For the preachers in the room yesterday, we all agreed "This stuff will Preach!" LOL

If you haven't purchased your copy, do so today!It's worth every dime...

Dr. Juju